I am happy

I have sailed through the sea. Then I saw a coconut tree raised by the beach. My mouth silent, holding onto the awesomeness of this dream. I was really happy, i could pass the national exam. With and without a good score. After all this is what ive done with my own strength, and without anyone back up. I am happy. Happy not been fooled by this world foolish trick. I am happy. I could shut my eyes from those who use "magic" on their exam. I am happy. I could been deaf from the whisper of black magician. I am happy. That i could make them smile even-though i made a big mistake in biology. But at least this heart happy. Happiness is something that you create not something that you buy. Now, I am still sailing to the next dream. The waves keep on coming so i cant escape, nor i want to escape. Now i need a miracle, for something even bigger. For something called future. For something called carrier, for something that is the reason you want to be remain alive.

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