Report Time!
yeah! as a student Foreign Language Class, i must do the last task! what?? mm.. let me describe it for you, that's a scientific paper, known as report. the titled is "aerial layering", i must solve the problem in doing aerial layering.. in that report *ohhhh* so, no time... there are 4 chapter in that report. now, i have done 1 chapter, still 3 chapter more. goood, i dont have a time, to write this blog.. cause it's really hard if i must do the report and make some stories in here. yeah, the report is in english, so it's kinda hard.. and y'know i have my adviser, named Mr.hono he's just kinda not asking me either help me in doing the chapter. only my english teacher and my head master who help me ^^. some of my friends brought their laptop and did their job at school. but i also have an idea! why dont we have fun, at least they are already bored. we can have our own video song. i and some my friends decided to sing a whole new world actually, it's because there are some bro-sist who post their videos on youtube, so we gonna copy that. the boys are very annoying they make that video not good, but funny. oh man... and they were snap some pictures with an annoying efect like become an alien and some like that. we only laughed at that.. yes at least we were laughing. back to report, the limit of making report will be at 24 nov and there is a conv test after that, ohhh... why you kill me slowly beybh??.. everyone i hope do their best me too. this is our LAST TIME, i really sad, i know, we will be seperated from this junior HS, and have our own different story in senior HS. god, pleaseeeeee... dont make us like that. we have been 3 years together
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